FOI disclosure log

Disclosure Log 2022

Disclosure log and index of precedents

Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2022, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

GSOC FOI request log 2022

No. Category of Requester Description of Request Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption Personal/    Non-Personal
1 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of minutes/agenda for internal & external GSOC meetings 04-Jan 27-Jan Refused S15(1)(g) NP
2 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 17-Jan 28-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
3 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 25-Jan 28-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
4 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 24-Jan 04-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
5 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 02-Feb 07-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
6 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 04-Feb 11-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
7 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 21-Feb 23-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
8 Member of the Public Copy of personal information held by AGS 27-Feb 28-Feb Transferred P
9 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaint statistics 06-Mar 30-Mar Released NP
10 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to Covid related complaints 14-Mar 14-Mar Withdrawn NP
11 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 15-Mar 31-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) & S10(2) P
12 Member of Business/Interest Group Information relating to IT systems 16-Mar 31-Mar Refused S32(1)(a)(iii) & S15(1)(b) NP
13 Member of the Public Information relating to court case 11-May 17-May Transferred P
14 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 16-May 17-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
15 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 24-May 02-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
16 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 15-Jun 29-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
17 Member of the Public Information relating to OC Spray report 16-Jun 22-Jun Refused S15 (1) (A) P
18 Journalist Records relating to allegations of revenge porn on social media platforms 17-Jun 30-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
19 Member of the Public Copy of court documents & personal information held by AGS 26-Jun 29-Jun Transferred P
20 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file. 28-Jun 05-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
21 Journalist Access to any external evaluations of the board of GSOC since 2018. 06-Jul 20-Jul Refused S15 (1) (A) NP
22 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to Garda records 08-Jul 20-Jul Refused S15 (1) (A) P
23 Solicitors Information relating to Garda Investigation File 08-Jul 14-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)
24 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to section 102 referrals 15-Jul 12-Aug Part Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
25 Member of the Public (Complainant) Personal information/ information relating to case file 08-Aug 01-Sep Part Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) , s37(7) & S31(1)(A) P
26 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaint statistics and investigations 29-Jul 26-Aug Part Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
27 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 16-Aug 26-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
28 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 22-Aug 01-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
29 Member of the Public (Complainant) Access to Guidelines on Adult Caution System 01-Sep 02-Sep Transferred NP
30 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information  relating to case file 07-Sep 07-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
31 Garda Information relating to case file 12-Oct 21-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
32 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 21-Oct 28-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
33 Member of the Public Information relating to Garda records 24-Oct 25-Oct Transferred NP
34 Member of the Public Information relating to case files 08-Nov 18-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
35 Member of the Public Information relating to GSOC Printing Equipment Supplier. 07-Dec 21-Dec Withdrawn NP
36 Garda Information relating to arrest and suspension. 09-Dec 16-Dec Refused S15 (1) (A) P
37 Member of the Public (Complainant) Personal information/information relating to case file(s) 13-Dec 10-Jan Refused S15 (1)(B) P
38 Journalist Information relating to complaint statistics 28-Dec 09-Jan Released NP
39 Garda Information relating to case files 28-Dec 05-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
40 Journalist Information relating to complaint statistics 29-Dec 09-Jan Released NP

Download Disclosure Material 2022

Title Size Type Last Updated

FOI Response No 9 of 2022

142.81 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 24 of 2022

117.50 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 26 of 2022

188.74 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 38 of 2022

776.16 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 40 of 2022

2.26 MB pdf 4 Jun 2024

Disclosure Log 2021

Disclosure log and index of precedents

Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2021, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

GSOC FOI request log 2021

No. Category of Requester Description of Request Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption Personal/    Non-Personal
1 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 11-Jan 13-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
2 Journalist Information in relation to complaint statistics for 2018 to 2020 14-Jan 29-Jan Released NP
3 Garda Information relating to case files 13-Jan 21-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
4 Journalist Information relating to Garda investigations 18-Jan 27-Jan Refused S 15 (1) (a) NP
5 Member of the Public Records relating to unintentional discharge and gunshots to AGS members 20-Jan 17-Feb Refused S 27 (12)(a)(iii) NP
6 Journalist Information relating to incidents of harassment against GSOC staff 31-Jan 05-Feb Refused S 15 (1) (a) NP
7 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of Personal Information 02-Feb 16-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
8 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of Personal Information 04-Feb 18-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
9 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of Personal Information 07-Feb 05-Mar Part Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) /S.32(1)(a)/S.37(7) P
10 Journalist Information relating to transcripts of complaints made by members of the public relating to Covid-19 10-Feb 19-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
11 Journalist Information relating to data breaches in 2019 & 2020 17-Feb 18-Mar Released NP
12 Journalist Information relating to discharges of lethal & non-lethal weapons by AGS in 2020 17-Feb 18-Mar Released NP
13 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 05-Mar 09-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
14 Journalist Covid 19 & complaint stats for March 2020 to March 2021 for Longford/Roscommon, Sligo/Leitrim & Cavan/Monaghan AGS Divisions 24-Mar 20-Apr Released NP
15 Member of the Public Copy of personal information 25-Mar 09-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
16 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of personal information related to requester and other parties within case file and other records. 26-Mar 22-Jul Part Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) /S.31(1)(a)/S.37(1) / S.30(1)(b) / S.29(1)(a) P
17 Journalist Schedule of contracts of a value of €20,000 or greater awarded in 2018, 2019 and 2020. 29-Mar 27-Apr Released NP
18 Journalist Information concerning statistics relating to sexual misconduct complaints against members of AGS between the years 2010 to 2020. 30-Mar 27-Apr Released NP
19 Garda Information relating to case file 31-Mar 09-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
20 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 01-Apr 09-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
21 Journalist Complaint Statistics 09-Apr 29-Apr Released NP
22 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 12-Apr 16-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
23 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 16-Apr 23-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
24 Journalist Complaint Statistics for Cavan/Monaghan Division 29-Apr 14-May Released NP
25 Staff Records relating to Customer Service Working Group 10-May 08-Jun Part Released S30(1)(b) & S15(1)(a) NP
26 Garda Information relating to case file 10-May 14-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
27 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 10-May 21-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) & S15(1)(a) P
28 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 11-May 14-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
29 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 13-May 14-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
30 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 18-May 28-May Withdrawn P
31 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of personal information 21-May 21-Jun Part Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) & S.37(7) P
32 Member of the Public Information relating to technology and outsourcing 14-Jun 28-Jun Refused S32(1) & S33(3) NP
33 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 23-Jun 29-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
34 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copies of correspondence submitted by requester 24-Jun 01-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
35 Garda Information relating to case file 23-Jun 05-Jul Refused S15(1)(a) P
36 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of personal information 26-Jul 21-Sep Part Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) & S.37(1) & S.15(1)(i)(i) & S.30(1)(a) P
37 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 28-Jul 11-Aug Refused S15(1)(a) P
38 Member of the Public (Complainant) Data access requests processing times 24-Aug 17-Sep Refused S15(1)(b) NP
39 Member of the Public (Complainant) “Damages” paid to claimants for 2018 – 2020 04-Sep 17-Sep Refused S15(1)(b) NP
40 Member of the Public (Complainant) Expenditure on toilet roll for 2018 – 2020 04-Sep 17-Sep Refused S15(1)(g) NP
41 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 07-Sep 17-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
42 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 07-Sep 16-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
43 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 08-Sep 17-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
44 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaint statistics for AGS DMR South Central Division for 2020 to Aug 2021 29-Sep 28-Oct Released NP
45 Garda Information relating to case file 30-Sep 08-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)  & Section 10(2) P
46 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to GSOC staff and complaints 11-Oct 15-Nov Refused S37(1) & S15(1)(c) NP
47 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 12-Oct 20-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
48 Garda Information relating to case file 15-Oct 20-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
49 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 15-Oct 27-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
50 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaint statistics 15-Oct 11-Nov Released NP
51 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 19-Oct 27-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
52 Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of correspondence & statistics in relation to enforcement of Covid 19 laws 19-Oct 02-Dec Refused S15(1)(h) NP
53 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 20-Oct 27-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
54 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 22-Oct 01-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
55 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 22-Oct 27-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
56 Member of Business/Interest Group Information relating to the supply of goods/services over €5,000 26-Oct 23-Nov Part Released NP
57 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 27-Oct 01-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
58 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 29-Oct 01-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
59 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 04-Nov 11-Nov Refused S15(1)(a) P
60 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 08-Nov 01-Dec Part Released P
61 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 17-Nov 24-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
62 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 19-Nov 24-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
63 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to GSOC investigation 27-Nov 14-Dec Refused S15(1)(b) NP
64 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaint statistics 14-Dec 13-Jan Released NP
65 Journalist Information relating to complaint statistics 14-Dec 13-Jan Part Released NP
66 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 15-Dec 16-Dec Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
67 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaint statistics 29-Dec 27-Jan Refused S15(1)(g) NP
68 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaint statistics 29-Dec 27-Jan Refused S15(1)(g) NP
69 Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to complaints against staff 29-Dec 27-Jan Refused S15(1)(g) NP
70 Journalist Information relating to complaint statistics 29-Dec 27-Jan Released NP

Download Disclosure Material 2021

Title Size Type Last Updated

FOI Response No 02 of 2021

630.13 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 11 of 2021

114.79 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 12 of 2021

209.35 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 14 of 2021

128.95 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 17 of 2021

94.29 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 18 of 2021

147.89 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 21 of 2021

236.53 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 24 of 2021

125.63 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 25 of 2021

1.09 MB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 44 of 2021

223.52 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 50 of 2021

179.72 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 56 of 2021

82.07 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 64 of 2021

92.11 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 65 of 2021

187.44 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

FOI Response No 70 of 2021

195.82 KB pdf 4 Jun 2024

Disclosure Log 2020

Disclosure log and index of precedents

Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2020, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

GSOC FOI request log 2020

Category of Requester Description of Request  Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption Personal/    Non-Personal
Member of the Public Information relating to case file 01-Jan 03-Mar Part Released P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 13-Jan 15-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 17-Jan 20-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 17-Jan 20-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 07-Feb 17-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 14-Feb 18-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 19-Feb 21-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of all records associated with requester 21-Feb 21-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to Case File 24-Feb 28-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of Business/Interest Group Information relating to individual 12-Mar 12-Mar Transferred NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to Case File 13-Mar 18-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to GSOC Investigation File 18-Mar 15-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to GSOC Investigation File 19-Mar 22-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Statistics relating to Lethal & Non-Lethal notifications to GSOC 01-May 30-Jun Released NP
Journalist Correspondence between GSOC & Garda Commissioner 04-May 11-Jun Withdrawn NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to GSOC Investigation Files 05-May 08-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Correspondence between GSOC and the Office of the Information Commissioner 25-May 22-Jun Refused S30(1)(A) & Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 29-May 09-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Copy of correspondence to AGS Commissioner re Covid 19. 06-Jun 31-Jul Released NP
Journalist Information relating to case file. 08-Jun 03-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file. 08-Jun 11-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file. 09-Jun 10-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to Garda Records 12-Jun 12-Jun Transferred NP
Journalist Information relating to 2019 GSOC FOI Log 14-Jun 02-Jul Refused S15(1)(f) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 16-Jun 22-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Information relating to case file 25-Jun 30-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 01-Jul 03-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 01-Jul 13-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Information relating to GSOC Freedom of Information Unit file 02-Jul 16-Jul Refused S30(1)(A) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to requester 03-Jul 31-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 09-Jul 15-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Request for personal information 13-Jul 15-Jul Transferred P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 20-Jul 27-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to PULSE record 28-Jul 28-Jul Transferred P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to PULSE record 14-Aug 17-Aug Transferred P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 19-Aug 21-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Copies of statements/disclosures made to a Garda member 25-Aug 26-Aug Withdrawn P
Member of the Public Information relating to case file 27-Aug 03-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to outcomes of complaints made 30-Aug 03-Sep Withdrawn NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 04-Sep 08-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Statistics relating to complaints in Donegal Garda Division 04-Sep 01-Oct Released NP
Journalist Information relating to complaints to date for 2020.  Information relating to Covid 19 complaints. 06-Sep 01-Oct Released NP
Member of the Public Information relating to Garda investigation 07-Sep 08-Sep Transferred P
Member of the Public Information relating to Police Certificates 10-Sep 10-Sep Transferred NP
Member of the Public Information relating to case file 22-Sep 28-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 24-Sep 28-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file -24-Sep 28-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 25-Sep 28-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 25-Sep 28-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 25-Sep 28-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to the case file / personal information 11-Oct 09-Nov Part Refused P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of personal information 13-Oct 11-Nov Part Refused P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 29-Nov 02-Dec Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to the case file 02-Dec 02-Dec Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to Garda records 02-Nov 04-Dec Transferred P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 04-Dec 10-Dec Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of personal information 05-Dec 11-Dec Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Copy of personal information relating to case file 18-Dec 13-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 21-Dec 23-Dec Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Information relating to operations stats for 2020 28-Dec 25-Jan Released NP
Member of the Public Copy of personal information 31-Dec 04-Jan Transferred P

Download Disclosure Material 2020

Title Size Type Last Updated

FOI Response No 14 of 2020

1.89 MB pdf 12 Jan 2021

FOI Response No 19 of 2020

748.59 KB pdf 12 Jan 2021

FOI Response No 41 of 2020

555.24 KB pdf 12 Jan 2021

FOI Response No 42 of 2020

688.21 KB pdf 12 Jan 2021

FOI Response No 60 of 2020

211.40 KB pdf 17 May 2022

Disclosure Log 2019

Disclosure log and index of precedents

Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2019, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

GSOC FOI request log 2019

Category of Requester Description of Request Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption Personal/Non-personal
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file 04-Jan 10-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Information relating to a case files  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case files/HR Files  






Section 37(7) & 30(1)(b)  


Garda Information relating to a case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file/CPU file  





Part Released


Section 37(7)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to HR Files  






Section 37(7) & 15(1)(a)  


Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file 02-Apr 09-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file/CPU file  





Part Released


Section 37(7)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to HR Files  






Section 37(7) & 30(1)(a)  


Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to GSOC procedures  






Section 15(1)(d) & 32(1)(a)(i)  


Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to number of complaints against a Garda member  






Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) & Section 37(1)  


Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Request for personel information  










Information relating to GSOC Legal costs  










Information relating to Law Firms that have provided a service to GSOC  








Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to HR files & GSOC case file  






Section 37(7) & 15(1)(g)  


Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Journalist Complaint statistics 01-Jul 03-Jul Withdrawn NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  





Part Released


Section 37(7)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Data Access Statistics & case file detail  





Part Released


Section 15(1)(g)





Current detailed complaint statistics  








Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of Business/Interest Group Information relating to number of complaints made against Gardaí in Roscommon/Longford area  








Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information regarding surveillance of individual  








Member of the Public (Complainant) Information regarding surveillance of individual  








Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file/staff details  





Part Released


Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)





Information relating to GSOC Legal costs  










GSOC statistics in relation to the discharge of firearms  








Member of the Public Information relating to case file  






Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) & Section 31(1)(a)  




Statistics relating to complaints, staff numbers/salaries, and financial costs.  










Download Disclosure Material 2019

Title Size Type Last Updated

FOI Response No 17 of 2019

164.72 KB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 18 of 2019

464.76 KB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 27 of 2019

1.18 MB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 30 of 2019

568.00 KB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 35 of 2019

1.48 MB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 36 of 2019

401.71 KB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 38 of 2019

1.55 MB pdf 21 Jul 2020

Disclosure Log 2018

Disclosure log and index of precedents

Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2018, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

GSOC FOI request log 2018

Category of Requester Description of Request Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption Personal/Non-personal

Member of the Public

Correspondence between GSOC and the Dept of Justice and Equality.  







P.3/Ch.2/S.15/S.1(a) & (1)(f)




Member of the Public (Complainant)

Disclosure of PULSE data and garda records relating to requester.  







Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 06-Feb 07-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to case files 08-Feb 22-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 09-Feb 22-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 08-Feb 22-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to the use of pepper spray 22-Feb 04-Apr Refused P.4/S.37(1) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 27-Feb 06-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 08-Mar 14-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Correspondence between GSOC and the Dept of Justice and Equality 22-Mar 17-Apr Refused Sec 15 (1)(a) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 11-Apr 12-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of Business/Interest Group Information relating to GSOC prosecutions under Section 110 of the GSA Act, 2005 19-Apr 02-May Released NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 23-Apr 27-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P

Member of Oireachtas

Information relating to case statistics, GSOC offices, GSOC vehicle policy 04-May 01-Jun Released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information regarding case statistics 24-May 21-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 05-Jun 06-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P


Information relating to case file/disclosures made to other agencies or a third party 05-Jun 12-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 07-Jun 19-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 11-Jun 21-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to case files 11-Jun 21-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to case files 11-Jun 21-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to case files 13-Jun 15-Jun Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI P
Garda Information relating to case files 14-Jun 20-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P

Member of the Public

Information relating to application of section 11 of the Mental Health Act 2001 19-Jun 10-Jul Refused Sec 15 (1)(a) NP
Journalist Complaint Statistics 19-Jul 14-Aug Released NP
Garda Information relating to case file 23-Jul 25-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of Business/Interest Group Complaint Statistics 31-Jul 15-Aug Released NP


Correspondence between GSOC Chair & Minister since Jan 2018 04-Aug 14-Sep Released NP


Correspondence between GSOC and the Department of Justice and Equality – Legislative Amendments 04-Aug 01-Oct Released NP


Submissions by GSOC to Commission on Future of Policing 04-Aug 28-Aug Refused Sec 15 (1)(d) NP
Member of the Public Complaint Statistics RE: Kerry division 10-Aug 17-Aug Released NP


Statistics re Garda discharge of firearms & less lethal devices 20-Aug 14-Aug Released NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 17-Aug 23-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 27-Aug 29-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 27-Aug 29-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 04-Sep 06-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Oireachtas Report in relation to GSOC office 13-Sep 27-Sep Refused Sec 37(1) NP


Submissions and replies to the Commission on Future of Policing 24-Sep 08-Oct Refused Sec 15 (1)(d) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 24-Sep 05-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 26-Sep 05-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 26-Sep 05-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 12-Nov 23-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case file 13-Nov 23-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)



Member of the Public

Information relating to An Garda Síochána investigations  










Statistics relating to Longford, Leitrim, & Roscommon for 2015 – 2018  








Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to a case file 21-Dec 07-Jan-19 Refused  

Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y)




Information relating to the use of tasers by gardaí (between 01/01/2014 and present date)  





Part Released


Section 37 (1)





Information relating to the use of pepper spray (between 01/01/2014 and present date)  





Part Released


Section 37 (1)






Download Disclosure Material 2018 #1

Title Size Type Last Updated

FOI Response No 012 of 2018

139.89 KB pdf 3 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 14 of 2018

2.66 MB pdf 3 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 15 of 2018

536.77 KB pdf 3 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 25 of 2018

151.94 KB pdf 3 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 27 of 2018

81.82 KB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 28 of 2018

5.76 MB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 29 of 2018

1.64 MB pdf 3 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 29 Pages 1 65 Part1

3.59 MB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 29 Pages 1 65 Part2

5.96 MB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 29 Pages 1 65 Part3

2.29 MB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 29 Pages 66 92

6.66 MB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 29 Pages 93 111

6.47 MB pdf 3 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 31 of 2018

198.84 KB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 32 of 2018 Notifications 2016

280.72 KB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 32 of 2018 Notifications 2017

276.02 KB pdf 4 Apr 2019

Download disclosure Material 2018 #2

Title Size Type Last Updated

FOI Response No 32 of 2018 Notifications 2018

204.63 KB pdf 4 Apr 2019

FOI Response No 44 of 2018

721.03 KB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 46 of 2018

1.21 MB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 47 of 2018 (Part 1)

5.86 MB pdf 21 Jul 2020

FOI Response No 47 of 2018 (Part 2)

7.16 MB pdf 21 Jul 2020

Disclosure Log 2017

Disclosure log and index of precedents

Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2017, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

GSOC FOI request log 2017

Category of Requester Description of Request Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption Personal/Non-persona
Journalist Specific complaint stats 14-Dec 12-Jan Released NP
Garda Information contained in case files 05-Jan 10-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of Business/Interest Group GSOC statistics 08-Jan 13-Jan Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI
Member of the Public Information contained in case files 11-Jan 13-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist GSOC statistics 16-Jan 18-Jan Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI NP
Journalist GSOC Stats 17-Jan 26-Jan Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI NP
Garda Copy of GSOC Report 20-Jan 25-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist GSOC Stats 01-Feb 24-Feb Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI NP
Member of Business/Interest Group Information relating to legal fees 02-Feb 09-Feb Released NP
Member of the Public Information held by Gardaí 07-Feb 08-Feb Transferred P
Journalist Information relating to legal fees 09-Feb 10-Feb Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in case files 01-Feb 13-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 16-Feb 17-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 17-Feb 23-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information releating to case files 21-Feb 23-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in case files 02-Apr 02-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Copies of reports forwarded by AGS to GSOC 13-Apr 26-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 24-Apr 02-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 28-Apr 03-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information releating to case files 08-May 10-May Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 25-May 25-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 30-May 06-Jun Transferred P
Journalist Information relating to assault and sexual assault complaints 07-Jul 22-Aug Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 13-Jul 14-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to case files 17-Jul 21-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Information relating to assault complaints 17-Jul 18-Aug Withdrawn & Handled outside FOI NP
Garda Information relating to case files 18-Jul 28-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 24-Jul 27-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information relating to case files 26-Jul 28-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information relating to Garda investigation file & protocols 31-Jul 01-Aug Transferred  NP
Member of Business/Interest Group Information relating to case files 09-Aug 04-Sep Released NP

Download Disclosure Material 2017

Title Size Type Last Updated

FOI Response No 001 of 2017

Statistics regarding the number of allegations against Gardai of sexual offences and harassment submitted to GSOC since 2010

111.47 KB pdf 26 Feb 2018

FOI Response No 009 of 2017

Details of the legal costs paid by GSOC from 2013 to 2016

148.86 KB pdf 26 Feb 2018

FOI Response No 031 of 2017

Details on the number of complaints involving Local Intervention prior to their submission to GSOC from 2007 to 2017

297.02 KB pdf 26 Feb 2018

FOI Response No 039 of 2017 Part1

Correspondence between GSOC and the Dept of Justice relating to requests for additional resources from 01 May 2016 to 22 November 2017

6.53 MB pdf 26 Feb 2018

FOI Response No 039 of 2017 Part2

Correspondence between GSOC and the Dept of Justice relating to requests for additional resources from 01 May 2016 to 22 November 2017

6.57 MB pdf 26 Feb 2018

FOI Response No 039 of 2017 Part3

Correspondence between GSOC and the Dept of Justice relating to requests for additional resources from 01 May 2016 to 22 November 2017

2.63 MB pdf 26 Feb 2018

Disclosure log 2016

Disclosure log and index of precedents

Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2016, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

GSOC FOI request log 2016

Category of Requester Description of Request Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption Personal/    Non-personal
Journalist All internal and external correspondence to/from any Ombudsman Commissioner and Minister Frances Fitzgerald relating to the surveillance/monitoring/accessing of telephone records and/or use of powers under the Garda Síochána (Amendment) Act 2015 and/or prosecutions by GSOC under section 62 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005. 20-Jan 17-Feb Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) NP
Journalist Internal correspondence and drafts related to article by Ombudsman Commission in Irish Times on 23/01/16 about legislation giving specific investigative powers. 25-Jan 17-Feb Released n/a NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 26-Jan 22-Feb REVIEW – Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Statistics. 03-Feb 02-Mar Info on Website n/a NP
Garda Information contained in a GSOC case file. 04-Feb 03-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 17-Feb 15-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 23-Feb 08-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 26-Feb 25-Mar Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Information related to GSOC guidelines on the surveillance of journalists and other members of the public. 02-Mar 01-Apr No info to release n/a NP
Garda Information contained in a GSOC case file. 11-Mar 10-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Information contained in a GSOC case file. 06-Apr 12-Apr Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 04-May
Journalist Request for (bespoke) statistics. 13-May 16-May Dealt with outside FOI NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 19-May 23-May Dealt with outside FOI P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 03-May 16-May Dealt with outside FOI P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 26-May 07-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Information contained in a GSOC case file. 09-Jun 21-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Request for all information held by GSOC 09-Jun 13-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Information contained in a GSOC case file. 28-Jul 03-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 29-Jul 23-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Informationt contained in a GSOC case file 02-Aug 04-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 03-Aug 04-Aug Refused – but complainant’s own letter of 12 July 2016 released Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 09-Aug 09-Aug Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 07-Sep 13-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Request for information contained in case file 13-Sep 19-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Request for details on GSOC’s overseas travel expenses for 2015 and 2016 (to-date) 27-Sep 24-Oct Released NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 30-Sep 11-Oct Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 04-Nov 11-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Garda Information contained in a GSOC case file. 21-Nov 23-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 11-Nov 30-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Specific Complaint Statistics 14-Dec 12-Jan Released NP

Disclosure Log 2015

Disclosure log and index of precedents

GSOC only became subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014 on 14 April 2015. Below is the log of requests received and processed in 2015, together with the decisions made and any exemptions relied upon.

Category of Requester Description of Request Date of Request Date of Reply Decision Exemption
(if applicable)
Garda Information contained in a GSOC case file. 03-Apr 01-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information and statistics upon which an article which appeared in the Evening Echo concerning complaints made to the Garda Ombudsman was based. 14-May 18-May Released n/a NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 15-May 23-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 12-May 08-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 19-May 27-May Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Request meant for another body (AGS). 19-May 21-May Referred/ forwarded n/a NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 27-May 03-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 25-Jun 23-Jul Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 15-Jun 15-Jun Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information about road users who have succeeded of failed in acquiring exemptions from penalty points for academic research. 16-Jun 17-Jun Handled outside FOI n/a NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) GSOC staff code of conduct, information on extension of time policy, copy of CCTV from GSOC offices, information contained in a GSOC case file. 15-Jun 10-Jul Part-Released n/a NP & P
Member of the Public Number of (inadmissible) allegations made last year disputing fixed penalty notices. 20-Jul 29-Jul Handled outside FOI n/a NP
Journalist Information and statistics related to complaints numbers for Cork Divisions. 20-Jul 24-Aug Handled outside FOI n/a NP
Member of the Public Request meant for another body (AGS). 28-Jul 28-Jul Referred/ forwarded n/a NP
Member of the Public Correspondence between GSOC and Sean Guerin and related records. 07-Aug 04-Sep Part-released s. 29,30,31,32, 35,37 NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 07-Aug 04-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 08-Aug 05-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Request meant for another body (AGS). 13-Aug 09-Sep Referred/ forwarded n/a P
Journalist Correspondence between GSOC and Sean Guerin and related records. 15-Aug 11-Sep Part -released s. 29,30,31,32, 35,37 NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 25-Aug 22-Sep Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Journalist Correspondence between GSOC and the Office of the Taoiseach relating to the Guerin Inquiry. 09-Sep 11-Sep Released n/a NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 29-Sep 20-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Information and statistics upon which an article which appeared in the Evening Echo concerning complaints made to the Garda Ombudsman was based. 15-Sep 15-Oct Released n/a NP
Garda Information and statistics upon which an article which appeared in the Evening Echo concerning complaints made to the Garda Ombudsman was based. 15-Oct 03-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Request meant for another body (AGS). 27-Oct 30-Oct Referred/ forwarded n/a NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information and statistics upon which an article which appeared in the Evening Echo concerning complaints made to the Garda Ombudsman was based. 30-Oct 03-Nov Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public Request meant for another body (AGS). 16-Nov 16-Nov Referred/ forwarded n/a NP
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 01-Dec 13-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P
Member of the Public (Complainant) Information contained in a GSOC case file. 07-Dec 13-Jan Refused Sch1/P.1/S.6 (y) P